A Catalogue of Heroes: Norse Gods
This will be the last of the introductory entries in this blog series. While I previous employed the aid of others well-versed in...

A Catalogue of Heroes: Greek Gifts
Covering the Greek mythos for my catalogue is Timothy Nancarrow, graciously lending his expertise on this subject matter. If you find...

A Catalogue of Heroes: Going Indo-European
Some of my previous blog posts led me to a discussion with a friend, Peter Long, who mentioned a theory on Indo-European mythology and...

A Catalogue of Heroes: Irish Edition
The following is a guest blog by Jo Zebedee, an author from Northern Ireland. I intend to write a series of blog posts exploring the...

A Line to Shape the Ages
Imagine being so influential a writer that a few lines in one of your books, maybe little more than a casual remark to you, ends up...

Demogorgon Exposed
It is time for another blog post from everyone’s favourite spouter of near incomprehensible things! This time we go low by exploiting pop...

The Two Faces of Europe
Some years ago at a party (yes, I get invited to those - sometimes), a friend told me about her upcoming lecture concerning Disney...

Shaping Society: The Powers of Literature
What is the purpose of literature in society? There are plenty of answers, one for each human being, but some are more interesting than...
6 Points of World Building
This is one post that will take you off-site; I wrote it as a guest post for James R. Schmidt's Mighty Thor blog. In the post, I discuss...
Why We Read Fantasy
When I was about four, my father read The Hobbit to me. Some years later, I read the Narnia series, and eventually The Lord of the Rings...