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If you are new to this place, you may find it useful to read this entry first.

The purpose of this site is the presentation of large number of volumes found in a forgotten library (the 'bibliothek', as the books themselves called it). Collectively, they are the Annals of Adal and seem to present an encyclopedic effort of detailing the known world of Adalmearc and what lies beyond. On the various pages of this site can be seen the efforts of the bibliologists to translate these volumes and present the knowledge in a coherent manner.

A small subset of the volumes are titled as 'the Chronicles'. They differ from the other volumes by being all written by the same man, presumably within a few years of each other, and they are centered around a chain of events, which these books themselves call the Second Great War.

Readers are encouraged to glance around at the pages made available freely on this site. For those interested in reading the Chronicles themselves, the first three have been compiled together into a single volume entitled The Eagle's Flight.

The various page of the site will be updated or more will be added as new information is brought to light; this will most likely not happen often. This particular blog will be updated regularly though.

If you want to be updated on the progress of new chronicles being prepared, you can join the Patreon campaign for updates and a direct line to the author. Entry starts at $1 per book (not per month, so should be feasible for most) and lets you remain updated and in touch with the society of bibliology. If that sounds troublesome to you, however, you can also receive updates on new blog entries and other news via the Facebook page.

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Cover of The Eagle's Flight

Current rating: 4.31

Review samples:

"The character development is really strong, in particular the psychological one is abundant and detailed. This really helps create an intimacy and connection with the reader and hence with the story. "

"I have thoroughly enjoyed reading The Eagle’s Flight as it is a great story told in a beautiful way."

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"Amidst all of this, there are some likeable characters to root for when they are faced with difficult situations, which often left me anxiously turning the pages."

"I really enjoyed this book, which I felt was very well written with an engrossing story."

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© 2016 by Daniel Egehoved Olesen

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