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Fifth status report

It has been about a year since last report, but it does not mean that work has been quiet; on the contrary, there has been tremendous progress. Rather than keep the old list of everything that has been done, it is much easier now to simply list what remains to be done. First, though, I am happy to inform you that the writing is done as of today. There might be an extra read-through done by yours truly, DEO, while waiting for the final pieces to fall into place, but that is simply to fill out the waiting time. The first draft was begun in November 2013, finished in September 2014, has gone through 4 revisions and is now considered complete. As is the accompanying map and the cover art (except for the lettering). So what is missing before publication?

The cover art as such is done, but it still needs the title added to it. Sounds simple, but a little tricky getting the right font and not making a mess of it.

The cover, once finished, and manuscript needs to be uploaded to the printing company as well as converted to e-book. Could be very simple and a matter of minutes, could have unforeseen issues requiring a lot of work to handle (basically a question of whether layout is correct, book size and cover size are done right, conversion of the highly detailed colour map will work through various software programmes to reach the printer etc.).

This site needs to be finished. It is almost ready, except for uploading the map in the correct places (sounds simple, but with its size might cause problems) and then, once the conversion to e-book is done, ensuring that the site allows for it to be downloaded.

3 remaining items on the agenda and the journey of the last 2-3 years is complete, while another may then begin.



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Cover of The Eagle's Flight

Current rating: 4.31

Review samples:

"The character development is really strong, in particular the psychological one is abundant and detailed. This really helps create an intimacy and connection with the reader and hence with the story. "

"I have thoroughly enjoyed reading The Eagle’s Flight as it is a great story told in a beautiful way."

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"Amidst all of this, there are some likeable characters to root for when they are faced with difficult situations, which often left me anxiously turning the pages."

"I really enjoyed this book, which I felt was very well written with an engrossing story."

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